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How We Help Ontario

OTS works with in collaboration with existing tire recyclers and new businesses seeking to set-up operations in Ontario, increase capacity to recycle 100% of the scrap tires produced in the province, and enhance the markets for TDPs (Tire Derived Products) both domestically and abroad.

The Used Tires Program is helping spur economic growth and innovation within Ontario’s scrap tire industry by providing incentives and funding for the development of current and new end use markets for scrap tires.  

In our first program year (September 2009 – December 2010) the program recycled over 125,000 tonnes of tires, or 95% of all tires scrapped during that time. This meant that OTS exceeded the goals set-out in the program and has set the standard for recycling rates in the country.

Through a network of registered Collectors including retailers, municipalities and other collection locations across the province, the program lets consumers drop off up to four used tires per person, at no charge, for recycling. Tracking systems help eliminate the illegal dumping of scrap tires and ensure used tires are managed responsibly.


  • In its first year alone, the Used Tires Program injected over $23 million to create new processes and markets for recycled rubber products in Ontario.
  • Recycling  4 tires can save the energy equivalent of 18 gallons of gasoline and reduces greenhouse emissions by 146 kg (323 lbs) of CO2 equivalent [Source: Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) ]
  • Scrap tires contain valuable materials such as rubber, steel and polyester fibres that can be recycled into green products that are not only sustainable, but perform better than the traditional ones they replace. By recycling scrap tires we are reusing these important resources to make Ontario a greener place to live and work.

The program fosters innovation and business within the scrap tire industry, creating green jobs and increasing expertise.

Ontario Tire Stewardship is helping create a green, responsible and accountable recycling process funded by the industry.

The Ontario Tire Stewardship is audited annually and its annual report can be found at 2010 AR and signed AFS.pdf

How it All Rolls Out

Benefits to Ontario